Which of these photos makes you most comfortable with the idea of pork for dinner?
(No slaughterhouse photos)
Which of these photos contains the most artifice, or is the least natural?
Which one is the prettiest?
Which one is a turn-off?
Which shows the most desirable pork?
Because it's cooked? Because it's whole? Because it's free of moral concerns? Or seems to be?
I'd like to hear your answers.
For my own part. . .
I think: The closer we get to the source of life, and the reality of death, the more powerful and grounded we become.
I know: From a business point of view, you can make more money by vertically integrating your supply of raw goods into the value-adding stages of your production. A live hog costs the least per pound, a dead one costs more, a bag of hog parts is the most expensive (even on SALE.)
What do you think?
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