Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Restaurant Oddities in Pictures

These are a few favorite images from my culinary life in the past year. I love to find unexpected beauty in the everyday world, especially the sometimes grim world of a chef's daily challenges: clogged floor drains, discount produce, decrepit second-hand equipment, wasted food, inter-staff friction, wacky customer requests we chefs strive to satisfy. All of these "issues" have a shiny side somewhere, like a dented-up roll of aluminum foil.

What the. . .?

Pool of Water Near Ice Machine Exhibits Strange Rainbows


"My God, it's full of stars."
(Or maybe grease. . .)

Inside the Giant Pumpkin

Cast Iron Grill Parts Bent Like Putty

Fridge Mystery Item Revealed to be. . .?

One Way to Keep Others From Changing Your Fire

In Pursuit of Pink Pasta: Eggs and Beet Juice 
Must remember this one for next Halloween. 

Keep your eyes peeled, as they say, for the good in your life.  Namaste.

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